Young singers!
It’s time to audition for the
World Youth Choir 2024
Exciting news! The World Youth Choir is teaming up with the National Youth Orchestra of Germany (BJO) for a special session in the Summer of 2024. They'll be performing Beethoven's 9th Symphony and a commissioned work by Tan Dun called Nine - Ode to Compassion.
It's going to be an incredible experience for the 80-100 young singers from all over the world who will be joining forces for this unique event. And of course, the concerts are going to be top-notch, so you won't want to miss them!
If you or someone you know is interested in auditioning for the WYC 2024, mark your calendars for the Fall of 2023. This is an opportunity of a lifetime, and we can't wait to see what kind of talent comes our way.
Thanks for your time, and we hope to see you at the concert!
Call for Singers·
This is a unique opportunity for young musicians to be part of something truly remarkable. If you're ready to take your musical journey to the next level and be part of an international celebration of music, the World Youth Choir 2024 is your stage!
Eligibility Criteria:
To be part of this extraordinary journey, you should meet the following criteria:
Age: You should be between 17 and 26 years old on August 1, 2024.
Passion for Choral Singing: A passionate choral singer with a deep love for music.
Musical Background: Coming from a background of basic or semi-professional music education.
Friendship and Connection: Ready to meet new friends from diverse cultures around the world.
Language Skills: Able to speak English at an intermediate level.
Professional Challenge: Seeking a different professional challenge in the realm of music.
Cultural Enrichment: Eager to learn and grow in a multicultural environment.
Important Details:
Session Dates: August 18 (day of arrival) to September 8 (day of departure), 2024
Location: Rehearsal session in Weikersheim, Germany, followed by an exciting concert tour across Germany, the Netherlands, and Italy (locations to be confirmed).
Final Concert: The grand finale will take place on the opening weekend of the Beethovenfest in Bonn, Germany.
Artistic Team: The WYC 2024 will be led by a distinguished artistic team, including Tan Dun (USA), the composer of the commissioned work, Jörn Hinnerk Andresen (Germany), the conductor, and World Youth Choir Alumni as soloists.
Financial Support for Selected Singers:
The World Youth Choir is committed to making this experience accessible to talented individuals. Therefore, selected singers will receive financial support that includes:
Return airfare from your home to Weikersheim, Germany, and from Bonn, Germany, back to your home.
A nominal participation fee of 100 EUR.
Throughout the rehearsal session and tour, all accommodations, meals, and ground transportation will be fully provided by the session organizers.
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